
Pan-Canadian National Results

The College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAAA), the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA), the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Newfoundland and Labrador (CTCMPANL) and the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO) have worked in collaboration to provide the Pan-Canadian Examinations. This work has increased the capacity of provincial regulatory bodies to assess and recognize qualifications of Canadian and foreign-trained candidates who wish to legally practice in the province of their choice.


A total of 504 candidates wrote the October 2022 Pan-Canadian examinations. The TCM Practitioners and TCM Herbalists exams were administered the week of October 3, 2022 and the Acupuncturists exam was administered the week of October 24, 2022. The scale score range for the Pan-Canadian examinations is 200 – 600. The scaled pass mark is 400. Total scores are derived from the combined performance on the MCQ and CCQ components, of which each component is worth 50% of the total score.

Examination Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 309 83%
TCM Practitioners 104 77%
TCM Herbalists 91 92%


A total of 287 candidates wrote the April 2022 Pan-Canadian examinations. The TCM Practitioners and TCM Herbalists exams were administered the week of April 11, 2022 and the Acupuncturists exam was administered the week of April 25, 2022. The scale score range for the Pan-Canadian examinations is 200 – 600. The scaled pass mark is 400. Total scores are derived from the combined performance on the MCQ and CCQ components, of which each component is worth 50% of the total score.

Examination Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 183 76%
TCM Practitioners 86 70%
TCM Herbalists 18 83%


A total of 416 candidates wrote the October 2021 Pan-Canadian examinations. The TCM Practitioners and TCM Herbalists exams were administered the week of October 4, 2021 and the Acupuncturists exam was administered the week of October 25, 2021. The scale score range for the Pan-Canadian examinations is 200 – 600. The scaled pass mark is 400. Total scores are derived from the combined performance on the MCQ and CCQ components, of which each component is worth 50% of the total score.

Examination Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 269 79%
TCM Practitioners 113 86%
TCM Herbalists 34 85%


The April 2021 Pan-Canadian examinations were administered during the week of April 19, 2021. A total of 231 candidates wrote the examinations. The scale score range for the Pan-Canadian examinations is 200 – 600. The scaled pass mark is 400. Total scores are derived from the combined performance on the MCQ and CCQ components, of which each component is worth 50% of the total score.

Examination Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncture 163 83%
TCM Practitioner 53 83%
TCM Herbology 15 80%

The October Pan-Canadian Written Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on October 22 and 23, 2020. A total of 439 candidates wrote the examinations.

The passing score is 400. The results are given on a measurement scale from 200 - 600.

OCT 2020 Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 325 79%
Herbalist 37 89%
TCM Practitioner 77 83%
Total Candidates 439

The passing score is 450. The results are given on a measurement scale from 100 to 700.

The seventh Pan-Canadian Written Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on October 19, 2019. 487 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

The sixth Pan-Canadian Clinical Case-study Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on January 18, 2020. 471 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

2019 Written Clinical Case Study
Candidates Passing Rate Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 347 71% 311 88%
Herbalist 36 86% 49 55%
TCM Practitioner 104 84% 111 78%
Total Candidates 487 471

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The passing score is 450. The results are given on a measurement scale from 100 to 700.

The sixth Pan-Canadian Written Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on October 13, 2018. 505 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

The sixth Pan-Canadian Clinical Case-study Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on January 19, 2019. 503 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

2018 Written Clinical Case Study
Candidates Passing Rate Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 359 76% 328 72%
Herbalist 42 95% 47 55%
TCM Practitioner 104 88% 128 74%
Total Candidates 505 503

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The passing score is 450. The results are given on a measurement scale from 100 to 700.

The fifth Pan-Canadian Written Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on October 14, 2017. 458 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

The fifth Pan-Canadian Clinical Case-Study Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on January 20, 2018. 393 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

2017 Written Clinical Case Study
Candidates Passing Rate Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 322 60% 278 55%
Herbalist 35 77% 33 55%
TCM Practitioner 101 69% 82 46%
Total Candidates 458 393

Click here to view the chart.

The passing score was 450.

The fourth Pan-Canadian Written Examinations for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists and Herbalists were offered on October 15, 2016. 501 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

The fourth Pan-Canadian Clinical Case-Study Examinations for Acupuncturists, Herbalists and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners were offered on January 21, 2017. 426 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

2016 Written Clinical Case Study
Candidates Passing Rate Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 353 66% 303 66%
Herbalist 67 61% 55 78%
TCM Practitioner 81 75% 68 76%
Total Candidates 501 426

Click here to view the chart.

The passing score for both exams was 450.

The third Pan-Canadian entry-level written examinations for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists and acupuncturists were offered on October 17, 2015. 509 candidates from all provinces except Quebec, which had no candidates attending, passed the examinations administered.

The third Pan-Canadian entry-level clinical case-study examinations for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists and acupuncturists were offered on January 23, 2016. 432 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

2015 Written Clinical Case Study
Candidates Passing Rate Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 363 64% 315 68%
Herbalist 64 75% 59 73%
TCM Practitioner 82 61% 58 78%
Total Candidates 509 432

Click here to view the chart.

The passing score for both exams was 450.

The second Pan-Canadian entry-level written examinations for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists and acupuncturists were offered on October 18 2014. 533 candidates from all provinces except Quebec, which had no candidates attending, passed the examinations administered.

The second Pan-Canadian entry-level clinical case-study examinations for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists and acupuncturists were offered on January 24, 2015. 454 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

2014 Written Clinical Case Study
Candidates Passing Rate Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 390 69% 341 70%
Herbalist 65 68% 55 71%
TCM Practitioner 78 59% 58 78%
Total Candidates 533 454

Click here to view the chart.

The passing score for both exams was 450.

The first Pan-Canadian entry-level written examinations for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists and acupuncturists were offered on October 8, 2013. 412 candidates from all provinces except Quebec, which had no candidates attending, passed the examinations administered.

The first Pan-Canadian entry-level clinical case-study examinations for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists and acupuncturists were offered on January 21, 2014. 281 candidates from all provinces wrote the examinations administered.

2013 Written Clinical Case Study
Candidates Passing Rate Candidates Passing Rate
Acupuncturists 304 66% 203 65%
Herbalist 46 67% 40 63%
TCM Practitioner 62 77% 38 71%
Total Candidates 412 281

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