Ideally, you would fill out an unauthorized practice reporting form” so that the College has sufficient information to investigate the matter and to contact you if it required additional information.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to complete a form and wish to report anonymously, please call the College at 416.238.7359 and leave a detailed message as to what you saw, where you saw it, and the name of the person involved. The College can only investigate when it has sufficient information.
The College will investigate to determine if the person is not a member of the College. If the person is not a member of the College, the College will determine the best approach in order to ensure that the person ceases practising without authorization. This could include sending a warning letter to the person and/or commencing legal proceedings against the person. Each situation will be assessed individually by the College and its solicitors.
If you provided contact information, the College will advise you forthwith if the person is or is not a member of the College. However, due to privacy concerns, it may not always be able to share with you its plan in how it intends to address the unauthorized practising.
If the College obtains an order against the person, it will make reasonable efforts to advise you. Please note that once the College becomes aware that a person is practising without authorization, the name of the person will be posted on the College website.