
Quality Assurance Program

The College recently underwent a review of its Quality Assurance (QA) Program with the goal to update its QA Program to better meet both the College’s legislative requirements and supports the professional development and continued competence of the profession.

The QA Program is an important aspect of the College's mandate. All Colleges under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), 1991 must:

  • develop, establish and maintain programs and standards of practice to assure the quality of practice of the profession; and
  • develop, establish and maintain standards of knowledge and skill and programs to promote continuing evaluation, competence and improvement among the members.

Continuing education or professional development is designed to:

  • promote continuing competence and continuing quality improvement among the members;
  • promote interprofessional collaboration;
  • address changes in practice environments;
  • incorporate standards of practice, advances in technology, changes made to entry to practice competencies and other relevant issues in the discretion of the Council;
  • self, peer and practice assessment; a mechanism for the College to monitor members’ participation in, and compliance with, the Quality Assurance Program.

The goal of the QA Program is to protect the public by working with Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists in Ontario to support and provide them with the tools to demonstrate their ongoing competence.

The College’s QA Program has 3 components:

  1. Self-Assessment Form
  2. Professional Development Log
  3. Peer and Practice Assessment

Note: The random selection for Self-Assessment is different from a Peer and Practice Assessment selection.