Currently No Active Consultation
Inactive Class Registration Policy Amendment
Consultation: Inactive Class Registration Policy Amendment
There may be circumstances in which a General class member of the College may need to transfer to the Inactive class of registration. Situations may include, but are not limited to, parental leave, and medical or educational leave. The Inactive class allows members to maintain their membership when they are not practicing the profession in Ontario.
While a member has been granted a certificate in the Inactive class of registration, the member shall not:
Members wishing to return to the General Class must satisfy a panel of the Registration Committee that they demonstrate the current knowledge, skill and judgment relating to the practise of the profession.
Applications for reinstatement to the General class of registration are considered on a case-by-case basis. However, for members registered in the Inactive class for less than two years, they are generally deemed to have satisfied the currency requirement, unless there are extenuating factors that would require further review. Members who have been registered in the Inactive Class for more than two years will be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee.
To provide additional clarity and transparency for members, Council is proposing amendments to the Policy for a Certificate in the Inactive Class of Registration.The proposed changes include the following:
The following documents have been provided for feedback:
Council is seeking feedback from members, the public and key stakeholders on the amended Policy for a Certificate in the Inactive Class of Registration via survey. The feedback provided will help to determine if further changes may be required. Please note that responses will remain anonymous.
To provide your feedback, please complete the survey linked below:
Any feedback you have to offer is greatly appreciated. The consultation period will be available for 30 days, until November 18, 2024.
If you would like to provide feedback in writing, or have any questions, please send an email to
Supervision Policy Amendment
Consultation: Supervision Policy Amendment
Members of the College may act as supervisors to other members, applicants and students, in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. Supervisors have an important role in helping these individuals meet the standards and ensure that they are practicing in a safe, ethical, and competent manner.
There may be situations in which a member of the College requires assistance in meeting the standard of care and in demonstrating the knowledge, skill, judgment, and attitude expected of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner or Acupuncturist. Members may be required to practice under supervision for a variety of reasons, such as:
The College currently has a Supervision Policy for members who wish to act as a supervisor to other members, applicants or students in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. To strengthen the requirements and provide additional clarity, the Council is proposing that the supervisor policy be separated into two standalone policies, as follows:
The Supervision Policy for Members sets the guidelines and eligibility criteria for members who act as supervisors to other members. Supervisors must be pre-approved by the Registrar. This policy ensures that there are clear criteria to guide the Registrar in making decisions on approval. In addition, the policy clearly states the supervisor’s obligations to the College and the member.
Council is seeking feedback specifically on the Supervision Policy for Members at this time.
The Supervision Policy for Applicants and Students provides the interpretation of the “clinical experience” requirement of applicants, as per the College’s Registration Regulation. Please note that no changes have been made to the wording of the Supervision Policy for Applicants and Students.
The following documents have been provided for feedback:
Council is seeking feedback from members, the public and key stakeholders on the draft Supervisor Policy for Members via survey. The feedback provided will help to determine if further changes may be required. Please note that responses will remain anonymous.
To provide your feedback, please complete the survey linked below:
Any feedback you have to offer is greatly appreciated. The consultation period will be available for 30 days, until September 13, 2024.
If you would like to provide feedback in writing, or have any questions, please send an email to
Doctor Title
Consultation: Draft Competencies for the Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor Class
The College is seeking feedback from members on draft occupational competencies developed as part of the College’s Doctor Title Project. The project has been separated into three phases: (1) conduct an environmental scan, (2) define requirements for the doctor class and (3) draft the regulation amendments for submission to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC).
The project is currently in Phase 2, which has been underway since June 2023, with the purpose to define the requirements for the doctor class of registration. The Doctor Title Working Group, which is responsible for making recommendations to Council regarding the project, has been working with an independent expert consultant to develop competencies, competency assessment paths to registration, and a blueprint for the examination process. Recently, Council reviewed the draft competencies and approved them for consultation and validation.
Draft Competencies
To review the draft document, please click the link below. This document contains a comprehensive introduction. Members are encouraged to carefully read the introduction as it provides necessary context and information needed to understand the competencies. After reading the document, please complete the survey found in the section below.
The occupational competencies proposed for the Doctor Class of registration include and build upon those requirements of the General Class members who hold the title Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R. TCMP). These competencies are within the scope of practice defined in the TCM Act, 2006 and are in compliance with the authorized controlled acts outlined in the RHPA, 1991. Please note the proposed competencies and performance indicators pertaining to the Doctor Class are in red. The competencies and performance indicators in black are what is currently outlined for TCM Practitioners.
The required competencies are grouped into the following Competency Areas:
Each competency has performance indicators which specify:
Election Process
The College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) was implemented in 2020 by the Ministry of Health to ensure colleges are regulating in the public interest according to Ministry standards. One of the requirements set out in the CPMF require that Council and Committee members meet a set of competencies before they are eligible for election.
Council and Committee members are responsible for the decision making on policy matters of the College, and for ensuring that decisions are in the interest of public protection. It is because of this important function that there is increased pressure to have Council and Committee Members meet a competency framework to be eligible.
To fulfil the expectations of the Ministry of Health, Council has been working to establishing a set of competencies needed to serve on Council. Council has proposed the creation of a Nominations Committee to facilitate the process of reviewing competencies for those seeking nominations to Council. By-law amendments are required to codify the new Council competencies and Nominations Committee.
The process set out in the by-laws will allow for a transparent, objective, and fair review of a potential candidate’s competencies. The competencies that will be reviewed are not practice related, and are strictly relevant to the competencies needed act as a Council member.
These by-law changes will also require the College to offer a pre-orientation session for those who are interested in serving on Council. The College is committed to providing members with the resources needed to understand the requirements for serving on Council, and how a member might achieve the Council competencies.
While this new process is a requirement in the Ministry of Health’s CPMF, the College is seeking feedback on the new process that will be established with these by-law amendments. Please see the link below for a full list of proposed changes.
Fee Schedule
In April 2022, the Provincial Government passed the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022. Included in this act is a requirement that all health regulatory colleges in Ontario create an Emergency Class of registration. The goal of the Emergency Class is to provide Colleges with the flexibility to maintain their registration process for new applicants in the event of an emergency, which may otherwise cause a barrier to registration.
Schedule 4 of the by-laws sets out the various fees charged by the College. The Registration Committee has provided the following recommendations:
The document below highlights the proposed by-law amendments related to the election process and fee schedule. Where existing sections are amended, the amendment is indicated in red.
Council is seeking feedback from members, the public and key stakeholders on the draft by-law amendments.
Please provide feedback by June 11, 2024 via e-mail to or by mail at:
CTCMPAO – Consultation |
55 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 705 |
Thornhill, ON L3T 7V9 |
When submitting by e-mail or mail, please indicate whether your comments are on behalf of yourself or an organization.
In April 2022, the Provincial Government passed the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022. Included in this act is a requirement that all health regulatory colleges in Ontario create an Emergency Class of registration. The goal of the Emergency Class is to provide Colleges with the flexibility to maintain their registration process for new applicants in the event of an emergency, which may otherwise cause a barrier to registration.
With the addition of the new Emergency Class, the College Council took the opportunity to consider other ways in which the College can create more opportunities for qualified individuals to enter the profession, while still ensuring public protection. Council has identified the possibility that there are potential applicants to the College who may have a high level of experience in traditional Chinese medicine, and would benefit from such an opportunity. To address this, the College is proposing a Provisional Class to temporarily provide an alternate route into the profession.
These proposed new classes require a regulation amendment to the College’s Registration Regulation (O. Reg 27/13). The following documents highlight the proposed changes in detail:
Emergency Class
In developing the Emergency Class language, the College looked to ensure that the Emergency Class contains the following elements:
The documents below highlight the proposed regulation amendments related to the Emergency Class:
Please complete the Emergency Class Survey to provide feedback on the Emergency Class amendment proposal. Please provide your comments by April 24, 2023.
Provisional Class
In developing the Provisional Class, the College looked to ensure that the Provisional Class contains the following elements.
The documents below highlight the proposed regulation amendments related to the Provisional Class:
Please complete the Provisional Class Survey to provide feedback on the Provisional Class amendment proposal. Please provide your comments by May 23, 2023.
Council is seeking feedback from members, the public and key stakeholders on the draft Registration Regulation amendment proposals. Feedback can be provided by reviewing the draft documents and completing the surveys above. This will take about 15 minutes to complete and can be resumed at any time if paused.
All responses will be reviewed and will remain anonymous. A summary of the results will be posted online following the close of the consultation.
Feedback can also be provided by e-mail to or by mail at:
CTCMPAO – Consultation |
55 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 705 |
Thornhill, ON L3T 7V9 |
When submitting by e-mail or mail, please indicate whether your comments are on behalf of yourself or an organization.
On September 22, 2021, a draft Telepractice Guideline was approved for consultation. Please click the link below to review the draft guideline:
The Telepractice Guideline provides a comprehensive overview to help practitioners understand their responsibilities when providing care using telecommunication technologies. This guideline was drafted in response to the increased use of telepractice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is set to permanently replace our Telepractice Position Statement that was drafted as a temporary measure.
Council is seeking feedback from members, the public and key stakeholders on this draft. Feedback can be provided by completing the guideline’s survey. This will take about 15 minutes to complete and can be resumed at any time if paused.
All responses will be reviewed and will remain anonymous. A summary of the results will be posted online following the close of the consultation.
You can provide your responses anytime before February 3, 2022. The consultation period will close after this date.
Please click the links below to complete the surveys:
Feedback can also be provided by e-mail to or by mail at:
CTCMPAO – Consultation | |
55 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 705 | |
Thornhill, ON L3T 7V9 |
When submitting by e-mail or mail, please indicate whether your comments are on behalf of yourself or an organization.
On March 23, 2020, a draft Standard of Practice for Record Keeping was approved. Please click the links below to review the standards:
This standard is an update to the current Standard of Practice for Record Keeping, featuring updated content, format, and language.
Every standard has an introduction and a set of principles. Principles inform members of their accountabilities and the public of what to expect. The College has worked with a plain language editor on new standards to ensure the standard is written in language that is easy to read and understand.
Council is seeking feedback from members and key stakeholders on this draft. Feedback can be provided by completing the standard’s survey. This will take about 15 minutes to complete and can be resumed at any time.
All responses will be reviewed and will remain anonymous. A summary of the results will be posted online following the close of the consultation.
You can provide your responses anytime before July 7, 2020. The consultation period will close after this date.
Please click the links below to complete the surveys:
Feedback can also be provided by e-mail to or by mail at:
CTCMPAO – Consultation | |
55 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 705 | |
Thornhill, ON L3T 7V9 |
When submitting by e-mail or mail, please indicate whether your comments are on behalf of yourself or an organization.
A draft standard of practice for Fees and Billing has been approved for public consultation. Please click the links below to review the standard:
This standard is a new Standard of Practice that consolidates the College’s current expectations for billing practices into one document.
Every standard has an introduction and a set of principles. Principles inform members of their accountabilities and the public of what to expect. The College has worked with a plain language editor on new standards to ensure the standard is written in language that is easy to read and understand.
Council is seeking feedback from members and key stakeholders on this draft. Feedback can be provided by completing the standard’s survey. This will take about 15 minutes to complete and can be resumed at any time.
All responses will be reviewed and will remain anonymous. A summary of the results will be posted online following the close of the consultation.
You can provide your responses anytime before October 26, 2020. The consultation period will close after this date.
Please click the links below to complete the surveys:
Feedback can also be provided by e-mail to or by mail at:
CTCMPAO – Consultation | |
55 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 705 | |
Thornhill, ON L3T 7V9 |
When submitting by e-mail or mail, please indicate whether your comments are on behalf of yourself or an organization.
On June 20, 2019, Council approved drafts for 4 standards of practice. Please click the links below to review the standards:
These standards will replace the Standard for Prohibition of a Sexual Relationship with a Patient, the Standard for Communication and the Standard for Safe Practice.
Every standard has an introduction and a set of principles. Principles inform members of their accountabilities and the public of what to expect. Each principle also contains corresponding record-keeping responsibilities.
Council is seeking feedback from members and key stakeholders on these drafts. Feedback can be provided by completing each standard’s survey. This will take about 15 minutes to complete and can be resumed at any time.
All responses will be reviewed and will remain anonymous. A summary of the results will be posted online following the close of the consultation.
You can provide your responses anytime before September 10, 2019. The consultation period will close after this date.
Please click the links below to complete the surveys:
Feedback can also be provided by e-mail to or by email at:
CTCMPAO – Consultation | |
55 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 705 | |
Thornhill, ON L3T 7V9 |
When submitting by e-mail or mail, please indicate whether your comments are on behalf of yourself or an organization.
Consultation | Deadline |
By-Law Amendment | February 15, 2018 |
Consultation | Deadline |
By-Law Amended to Align the Membership Renewal Year End with the Fiscal Year End | December 3, 2016 |
Standard of Practice (7): Advertising | October 4, 2016 |
By-Law Amendment (Section 170, 181, 181.1, 185) | March 7, 2016 |
Consultation | Deadline |
By-Law Amendment (Section 200) | January 26, 2016 |
Standard of Practice (6): Prohibition of a Sexual Relationship with a Patient | January 16, 2016 |
By-Law Amendment (Section 36) | July 22, 2015 |
Consultation | Deadline |
Proposed Spousal Exemption Regulation | January 25, 2015 |
Stakeholder Feedback Form | |
By-Law Amendment (Section 181, 182, 183, 184, 200) | March 31, 2014 |