
The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO) is conducting a series of focus groups among active practitioners in early July 2018. The firm contracted by the College to conduct the focus groups is R.A. Malatest and Associates. It is possible between June and early July 2018, you may receive a call from them asking you to participate in their research.

The purpose of the focus groups is to discuss with active practitioners throughout Ontario some of the issues in creating and implementing procedures to create a doctor’s class of registrants within the College. This will be a process that could take many years to fully implement, and the College is in the early stages of the process now. Focus groups with practitioners throughout Ontario will help the College understand some of the views practitioners have about this issue.

Participants who attend the focus groups will receive an honorarium from Malatest for doing so. Also note that all answers, responses and opinions will be kept confidential from the College. The College will not attend the focus groups nor have access to any of the discussions that occur. A report will be issued to the College by Malatest.

If you have any further questions about the groups themselves or calls you may have received from Malatest itself, please feel free to contact Dianne Cook at the College directly at 416-238-7359 x 4782 or at Dianne.Cook@ctcmpao.on.ca.

Yours Truly,

Allan Mak

Registrar and CEO