Dear members and stakeholders,
On March 10, 2022, following a vote in the legislature, the Ontario government amended Bill 88, to remove the Traditional Chinese Medicine Repeal Act, 2022 (Schedule 5) from the bill. See here to view the bill.
As mentioned previously, the profession is still regulated and members are still under the jurisdiction of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). There has been no disruption to the College's jurisdiction and the removal of Schedule 5 merely removes that possibility from occurring.
The College will notify members and stakeholders should there be any updates in the future.
Ann Zeng
Registrar and CEO
法案 Bill 88已修訂,TCM Repeal Act, 2022已被刪除
在2022 年 3 月 10 日,經立法會投票表決後,安省政府已從法案Bill 88中刪除 Traditional Chinese Medicine Repeal Act, 2022(Schedule 5)。請參閱這裡查看修訂法案。
如前所述,中醫及針灸行業仍在安省然是受規管的行業,而各位成員仍然是在安省中醫師及針灸師管理局的管轄之下。管理局的管轄權沒有受到任何影響,Schedule 5的刪除亦確認管理局的管轄權一切如常。
Ann Zeng
Registrar and CEO
免責聲明:以上中文內容由安省中醫師及針灸師管理局或第三方翻譯人員,根據英文正式版本進行翻譯, 僅供參考。中文翻譯內容如與英文版本有任何差異,概以英文版本為準。