To be eligible to write the Pan-Canadian Examinations, candidates must meet a number of requirements, including the supervised clinical training requirement. For more information, please see the Pan-Canadian Examinations Application Guide.
Recognizing the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has granted provisional approval to write the October 2020, April 2021 and October 2021 Pan-Can Examinations to all students whose supervised clinical training is delayed because of COVID-19, provided that:
- the candidate’s application for the Pan-Canadian Examinations meets all other requirements;
- the College receives confirmation from the program director or coordinator that the candidate meets all the requirements for graduation with the exception of the supervised clinical training; and
- the student is in the process of completing the supervised clinical training requirement.
The purpose of this provisional exemption is to allow students whose clinical training is delayed because of COVID-19 to write the Pan-Can Examinations in October 2020, April 2021, and/or October 2021.
The exemption does not apply to the supervised clinical training requirement which is required to obtain a General Class certificate. To be granted the General Class Certificate, applicants must meet all the requirements listed under section 9 of the Registration Regulation, this includes completion of the supervised clinical training.
The College is monitoring the unprecedented situation posed by COVID-19 and will continue to provide updates to our members, applicants, education providers and other stakeholders.