
2021 Council Training and Orientation and Open Meeting of the Executive Committee Highlights

On December 8, 2021, the College held its annual Council orientation and training meeting virtually for all current Council members, as well as newly acclaimed Council members who have not officially begun their terms.

The Office of the Fairness Commissioner (OFC) presented on the risk-informed compliance framework, which focuses on historical performance indicators and forward-looking risk factors that could impact a regulator’s ability to achieve better registration outcomes for applicants. The OFC commended the College on its fair and accommodating registration practices to applicants of the College.

Ms. Rebecca Durcan, Legal Counsel at Steinecke Maciura Leblanc gave an overview of the health regulation and governance model, important factors of decision making, and an introduction to bias and noise.

Ms. Deanna Williams, President of Dundee Consulting Group Ltd. spoke about the core competencies for Council and Committees, including the importance and purpose of such competencies.

The meeting concluded with Ms. Rima Dib presenting on the foundations of diversity, equity, inclusion, and organizational anti-oppression.

We would like to thank our guest speakers for their insightful presentations on these important topics. The College strongly values the ongoing education and development of all Council members. We will continue to seek more opportunities for further learning as we continue to fulfill our mandate to serve and protect the public interest.

An open meeting of the Executive Committee was held on December 9, 2021, in place of a Council meeting due to the Council remaining unconstituted. Highlights of the open meeting are now available for review here and on the College’s Council and Committees webpage.