
2023 Council Officer Election Results and President’s Message

At the College Council meeting held on December 8, 2022, the Council elected its officers (President, Vice-President and Executive Members) for 2023.

The President and Vice-President shall be Members of the Executive Committee.

The results of the election of Officers are:

President            Joanne Pritchard-Sobhani (Professional Member)

Vice-President   Xianmin Yu (Professional Member)

Executive            Iftikhar Choudry (Public Member)

                             Deborah Sinnatamby (Public Member)

                             Jin Qi (Jackie) Zeng (Professional Member)

A Message from CTCMPAO Council President

I am honoured to be re-elected as the Council President and look forward to serving the College Council in the year of 2023.

Reflecting on the past year, the College faced unprecendented challenges with the introduction and revocation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Repeal Act, 2022, Council being unconstituted, and the ongoing pandemic.

Despite this, the College persevered and adapted to the obstacles while never losing sight of its mandate to regulate the profession of TCM in the public interest and ensuring the highest quality of care for those who seek TCM treatments in Ontario.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Council and Committee members!   Council, kicked off our first meeting of this new term   on December 8, 2022.  . On behalf of Council, we appreciate your commitment and look forward to your insights as we work together to regulate our profession.

Finally, I would like to thank the College Registrar and her staff for their hard work, incredible teamwork, and dedication throughout this past year. Thank you to our members for your passion in protecting self - regulation of the TCM profession and for your trust. I am confident and excited for the path ahead.

Wishing you all a safe, warm and joyous holiday and new year!


Joanne Pritchard-Sobhani R. TCMP, R. Ac

CTCMPAO Council President