
Advertising Claims Regarding COVID-19 Products, Treatments or Therapies

The College has recently received an alarming number of concerns related to advertising and marketing of services related to products that may treat, cure or prevent COVID-19.

We would like to remind our members that the Standard of Advertising as set by the College, continues to apply and is required to be observed. Particularly, we expect our members to continue to adhere to the expectation that any claim about a remedy, treatment, device or procedure must be factual and verifiable.

To be clear, Public Health Canada has not approved of any therapies, treatments or products to treat, prevent or cure COVID-19. Therefore, any advertising or marketing of service of any such products, therapies or treatments, that is contrary to the message from Public Health Canada will be treated seriously.

If anyone is aware of any false or misleading claims being advertised by a member of our College, please send your concerns to conduct@ctcmpao.on.ca.

These are difficult and irregular times and we continue to expect that our members be mindful that only approved information from the proper health authorities are being conveyed to the public of Ontario.