
Minister of Health Confirms TCM Repeal Act, 2022 Will Not Proceed

Dear members and stakeholders,

On March 15, 2022, the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO) received a letter from the Minister of Health, confirming that the Ontario government will not be proceeding with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Repeal Act, 2022 (Schedule 5 of Bill 88). This is further to Schedule 5 being removed from Bill 88, which can be seen here.

As a result, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act, 2006 and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 will continue to regulate members of the profession. The College remains the only regulatory body responsible for governing the TCM profession. The Minister of Health has requested that CTCMPAO work with the Ministry of Health to develop a Chinese language entry to practice examination. The CTCMPAO looks forward to working with the Ministry on this important priority. You can view a copy of the letter here.

The mandate of the CTCMPAO is to regulate the profession in the public interest. More information about CTCMPAO’s registration process and language policies can be found here. CTCMPAO maintains that our registration practices comply with best practices and have remained transparent, objective, impartial, and fair throughout our history. To date, no applications have been refused on the basis of language fluency, and we have provided flexibility and accommodation to applicants in this regard.

We look forward to continuing our mandate and working for the people of Ontario.

Over the past two weeks, many dedicated members have reached out to CTCMPAO regarding the professional regulation of traditional Chinese medicine in Ontario. We would like to take this opportunity to inform members that there are many ways to become involved with CTCMPAO and its regulatory functions. These opportunities are posted on our Get Involved with the College page on our website as they are available. We encourage members to keep an eye on this page, and announcements from us if they wish to be more involved.


Ann Zeng
Registrar and CEO



安省衛生廳長確認撤銷TCM Repeal Act, 2022


今天(2022年3月15日),安省中醫師及針灸師管理局收到由安省衛生廳長發出的信件,確認安省政府撤銷法案Traditional Chinese Medicine Repeal Act, 2022 (Bill 88 中的Schedule 5),進一步確定政府已從法案Bill 88中刪除 Schedule 5。請參閱這裡查看修訂法案。因此,管理局會繼續根據原來的兩條法例Traditional Chinese Medicine Act, 2006 和 the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991來規管業內成員。管理局仍然是唯一負責規管安省中醫及針灸行業的監管機構。安省衛生廳長也在信中要求管理局與衛生廳合作,制定一套以中文為考核語言的註冊考試。管理局期望與衛生廳合作優先完成這項重要的工作。有關衛生廳長的信件,請參閱這裡。



過去兩週,有很多的註冊成員就安省中醫及針灸行業規管的事宜主動聯繫管理局。我們想藉此機會告知各位成員,管理局已設立不同途徑讓成員進一步參與並了解管理局的監管職能。這些途徑已發佈在管理局網站的「Get Involved with the College」頁面上。管理局鼓勵註冊成員密切留意該網頁及其他公告。


Ann Zeng
Registrar and CEO


以上中文內容由安省中醫師及針灸師管理局或第三方翻譯人員,根據英文正式版本進行翻譯, 僅供參考。中文翻譯內容如與英文版本有任何差異,概以英文版本為準。