
Reduction of Registration Renewal Fees for 2021-2022

The College is mindful of the impact of COVID-19 on our members' ability to practise. As mentioned previously, the College agreed to extend the fee deadline and introduced payment plan options for the 2020-2021 renewal period. However, the College anticipates that further assistance may be necessary in order to ensure that members maintain their registration with the College.

Although the College is unable to reduce the current year’s renewal fee, the Executive Committee has decided (subject to Council ratification) to reduce the 2021-2022 fees for the General Class by $300. This will be a one-time reduction.

The Executive Committee came to this decision based on careful assessment of the College’s financial position. The College would like to ensure the long-term viability of the profession and the College itself so that we can continue to fulfill the mandate we are legally obligated to carry out - regulating the profession in the public interest. We hope that this reduction in fees will assist our members’ ability to renew their membership. This will ensure that Ontarians can access safe, qualified TCM healthcare services. This reduction is expected to result in a significant deficit in the fiscal year of 2021-2022, and the College will fund this deficit from its reserve fund.

In light of Council’s current unconstituted state, all decisions made by the Executive Committee must be ratified by Council once Council becomes constituted. Before making this decision, the Executive Committee sought input from Council members. Council members advised the Executive Committee that they supported this initiative. Therefore, the Executive Committee is optimistic that this decision will be ratified and will be put in place for the 2021-2022 year.

We would like to thank members for their continuous feedback and patience as we continue to evaluate our response during this difficult time. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.