
Request for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donations

The Ontario Medical Association (OMA) is asking for personal protective equipment (PPE) donations.

If you currently have personal protective equipment such as surgical/procedure masks, N95 masks, gloves, gowns and eye protection that you are able to spare, please follow these instructions:

For Large Quantities and Access to Suppliers:

The Ontario government has set up a website where you can disclose the resources you have available.

For Smaller Quantities:

We would appreciate it if you could contact the OMA and RNAO directly for smaller quantities. We are making this request in order help transfer resources locally to frontline healthcare providers. Please contact christine.poopalapillai@oma.org with the following information:

  • Member Name
  • Member/Clinic Location (please include postal code)
  • Member Phone
  • Member Email
  • Supplies Available and Quantity